天然の漆を 200 ~ 300 回もの重ね塗りした「堆漆(ついしつ)」という伝統技法により


漆のもつ なめらかで上品な艶やかさを身につけると



Every piece is made by hand with a traditional technique called 堆漆 ” tsuishitsu” .
Painting lacquer over and over for 200-300 layers. Wearing tradition with elegance(雅)
being the concept, introducing jewelry that enables you to feel the glamour of lacquer.

堆漆 tsuishitsu 技法figure

堆漆とは、漆を何層も塗り重ね、漆 100% の無垢の板を作りそれを
一日一回の塗り作業。100 回で約 3 ミリの厚みです。毎日少しずつ
塗りを重ね、約一年ほどかけて 一枚の堆漆板を作りあげています。

In tsuishitsu, an artist would carefully brush layers of lacquer to
create a sheet of pure lacquer. This sheet is then carved,
scraped, and polished multiple times to expose the beautiful
layers of colored lacquer. Because lacquer takes a very long
time to dry, only one layer can be brushed onto the lacquer
base each day. It needs 100 coatings to achieve a thickness of
just 3 millimeters. An artist must build the lacquer coating a
little bit at a time each day, so it takes about a year to prepare
one sheet of layered lacquer with carvable thickness.